Course Description

80% of the women in the United States will suffer from fibroids, a tumorous growth found under or in the uterus. The Fibroid Elimination Course is here to help you treat your body from the inside out, starting with foods that heal.

Electric Lifestyle Specialist

Chef Ahki

Hi, I'm Chef Ahki and I'm Your Favorite Vegan Chef...I believe that food, if prepared correctly, is the greatest healer.I have often been in disagreement with 'health experts' and doctors who give people advice about eating the 'Standard American Diet'. (I call it S.A.D. for short.)Early in life, as I lost loved ones to food related diseases, I started to understand the chemistry of food, and I came to the conclustion that in order to live the best possible life, I needed an Electric Diet.I discarded nearly everything I learned from 'school' about food, and went on a personal quest to save myself, and everyone I could using food.After 15 years of cooking and learning what worked, people started beating a path to my door.I've worked with Pop Culture icons and everyone I could affect in creating a healthy and electric life worth living.Now, I want to take you on that journey.Are you ready?It's electric.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module #1 Fibroid Elimination Panel: featuring Chef Ahki, Dr. Amun and Dr. Amsu

    • Module1: Fibroid Education Panel

  • 2

    Module #2 Elimination is Possible: Ask Gessie

    • Module 2: Elimination is Possible: Ask Gessie

  • 3

    Module #3 Let's Get In the Kitchen

    • Module 3: Let's Get In the Kitchen

  • 4

    Module #4 Healing Through Food

    • Healing Through Food

  • 5

    Fibroid Elimination Bonuses

    • Chef Ahki Ancient Grain Salad

    • Chef Ahki Purple kale

    • Fibroid Elimination Dictionary

    • Fibroid Elimination Recipe Guide E-Book